April 30, 2024

Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons Written by Katherine Kaczor, Recovered Living’s Nutritionist The leaves are falling; the air is crisp. The glorious season of Autumn is here. As […]
November 17, 2020

Goodbye to my ED for Eating Disorder Recovery

A turning point in recovery can be the act of writing a goodbye letter to your ED. Kristie shares hers with us today.
February 20, 2020

Lets move for LOVE and JOY

Movement that comes from joy and therefore creates it, allows us to be in our bodies – able to breathe fully. Movement doesn’t have to be the cause of pain or the result of fear.
December 24, 2019

In the darkness……. Let light shine!!

For people in recovery, the Holiday's can be a time full of triggers, anxiety and even darkness. But the darkness can also help us find our light.