How we are doing things differently

  • We are the first and only fully comprehensive treatment provider of eating disorders from residential right through to virtual outpatient support in New Zealand.

  • We are accessible to all New Zealanders at any stage of their eating disorder.

  • Our methods are based on empirically proven best practice, mimicking successful eating disorder treatment programs in the United States.

  • We know an eating disorder is about more than just the food. We help you process the many layers that go into your recovery.

  • We aim to equip you with the life skills necessary in order to recover.

  • We educate and support your whanau and friends.

  • We provide staff who have extensive experience working in word class eating disorder treatment centers in America.

  • We employ staff whom are fully Recovered from their own eating disorders to provide role modeling and hope. They are ‘living proof’ that the unimaginable can be realized.

  • For people in financial hardship we may be able to help offset the cost of our program with our Charitable Trust.

  • We believe that being fully Recovered is possible. For everyone..

  • We address the challenges of affordable world class care by providing effective treatment within New Zealand.

  • Eating disorders don’t take holidays, neither do we. We operate 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

  • We support you in transitioning back home.

  • Our entire program is delivered from a single location.

  • We offer virtual support for New Zealanders - completely eliminating the barrier of accessibility.


A word on being Recovered from an eating disorder...

In the medical field there is criteria to diagnose a broken leg, and to assess when it is healed.

In the eating disorder field there is criteria to diagnose an eating disorder, however there is no commonly agreed upon definition to assess when someone is definitively Recovered from an eating disorder.

At Recovered Living the cornerstone of our philosophy is that everyone can Recover.  It does not matter how long someone has been sick, how sick they have been or how many times they have tried to recover, we believe being Recovered is possible.  We embrace Carolyn Costin’s definition of Recovered, as the guidelines for living a free and peaceful life, when fully healed from an eating disorder.

Recovered is when you can accept your natural body size and shape and no longer have a self-destructive relationship with food or exercise.  
When you are recovered, food and weight take a proper perspective in your life, and what you weigh is not more important than who you are; in fact, actual numbers are of little or no importance at all.  
When recovered, you will not compromise your health or betray your soul to look a certain way, wear a certain size, or reach a certain number on the scale.  
When you are recovered, you do not use eating disorder behaviours to deal with, distract from, or cope with other problems.

- Carolyn Costin