Working for Recovered Living feels like being part of a big family.  Seeing people recover from their eating disorders is incredibly rewarding and gives me a sense of purpose.

Tansy Boggon - Recovery Coach
Thank you for considering Recovered Living as a place of employment!
We get many people expressing their interest to work for us so we like to provide some basic information about the role and our requirements, to help you decide if we sound like a good fit for you.
Our expectations
There is occasionally a misperception that an eating disorder treatment centre will be focussed on health or healthy eating.  We have a Health At Every Size, non-diet philosophy.  This means if you are on a diet, participate in intermittent fasting, or avoid certain foods or ingredients i.e. sugar or low carb diets, Recovered Living is not the place for you. 
Our staff are required to role model a robust relationship with food by being willing and able to eat all foods served.  We believe there are no good or bad foods, and we eat pizza, pasta and desserts with the same enthusiasm that we eat cereal, salad and vegetables.  If you have certain food intolerences such as GF/DF or are vegetarian, we can cater to this.
We employ staff who have a good relationship with their body.  Our focus is never on weight but on healing destructive behaviour, and allowing people’s bodies to find where they want to settle.  We view exercise as movement and something that is soulful and enjoyable rather than something people to do achieve health, or to earn or burn food. 

We commonly get expressions of interest for the positions of recovery coaches and therapists.  If you are interested in other positions such as cook, administration positions or a dietitian, please get in touch with the office directly via the contact details on our website.

We do not offer therapy or dietitian internships at this time. If you are studying psychology and looking for experience in the mental health field, recovery coaching could be a good taster however please be advised the recovery coaching role would not meet requirements for clinical hours with clients. We would require a minimum one year commitment.
We are unable to offer volunteer positions at this time.
Casual work
It is rare that we approve staff for casual work as an ongoing relationship with clients is paramount, as well an up to date familiarity with our processes.  Our minimum time commitment is one day per week for part time work, with flexibility to pick up additional shifts for annual or sick leave.

If Recovered Living sounds like the place for you, please complete our expression of interest form here and we will be in touch within 10 working days.  Please note our expression of interest form is geared towards the roles of Recovery Coaches and Therapists, as we most commonly receive applications for these positions.  If you are interested in an alternative position, please use the form to register your interest and we will be in touch.