April 27, 2021

Eating Disorder tricks 101…and Kristie’s responses:

You can choose to do ‘a little bit of your eating disorder’ if you want to but there is no such thing as a little bit of an eating disorder because the truth is, an eating disorder is like a termite. It chews away at your insides until one day your house (life) falls down around you. So no, 80% doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for birthing a baby, for driving to work, for going to the toilet or handing in an essay. The fact your ED is trying to get you to do 80% is a big red warning sign it is gearing up for an attack on your recovery.’
April 20, 2021

How do you vaccinate yourself against diet culture?

Diet culture is everywhere. I often have clients say to me ‘I feel like I am the only person that eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day’ or ‘I’m like the only person in my friendship group that eats carbs.’ Sometimes, that might 100% be true. Diet culture has become the ‘norm’ in today’s society. It is hard to find someone that has never been on a diet, never wanted to lose weight, never felt the weight of comparison, judgment or pressure to be something other than they were.
April 13, 2021

Play Your Cards Right

Our experience of life is often contributed to luck. The typical view is that our experience is a result of what happens to us. That life is random, that some people are just “born lucky.” But the truth is we contribute to everything we experience in life. While we can’t necessarily control what happens to us, we can control how we respond.
April 7, 2021

Perception Deception

We tend to look at others' bodies with longing. We view them as perfect or at least better than our own. This is because we are looking at their body as a whole without a bias towards negativity and in general the whole is mainly positive. We see other people’s bodies are wonderful because they are wonderful, all bodies are, including ours. When our vision is clouded by the negativity bias, we are unable to see our own beauty. But just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.