April 30, 2024

Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons Written by Katherine Kaczor, Recovered Living’s Nutritionist The leaves are falling; the air is crisp. The glorious season of Autumn is here. As […]
April 21, 2024

Take the recovery challenge with us

New Year Resolutions and Eating Disorders Often, New Year’s resolutions are based on dieting, weight loss and gym memberships. For many people, this is not a […]
February 13, 2021

Mental Filtering

Eating disorders are geniuses at filtering out the positives and focusing on the negatives. Are you seeing obstacles rather than opportunity?
January 31, 2021

Magnification or Minimisation

A blue chair will always be a blue chair, that doesn’t change. But body image? For me, that shifted and changed on a daily basis.