August 2, 2017

What do you agree to as an Eater?

If you are human and you inhabit a body, then you must eat. Being hungry can go beyond the physical.  Have you been hungry for love? Connection? Excitement? If you are human and you have a pulse, you are living. What then, do you agree to for this one wild and precious life?
October 24, 2017

Podcast: What is Recovered Living?

Recovery Warriors founder, Jessica Flint talks with Kristie about treatment philosophies internationally, integrating movement vs exercise into recovery, and the new wave of Coaching that is bridging the treatment gap worldwide.
September 17, 2017

Everyone talks about being Recovered…

but what does being in Recovery actually look like?
July 13, 2017

3 little things that made a big difference in recovery

You can’t be ‘a little bit pregnant’. You are either pregnant...or you are not. In the same way, you can’t have ‘a little bit of an eating disorder’, the cage might be larger, but you are never truly free.