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Through the process of recovery, I have learned these simple truths about my body...

Body Image Recovery Truths

I used to think that changing my body was the answer to feeling better about myself. I thought it showed discipline and self-respect.
The truth is, I only felt good about myself because I had shaped and sculpted my body a certain way. Secretly, I hated waking up in the morning knowing I had to cycle to work. When I went for a run, I would cry inside because it was lonely to run away from myself.

The further I ran, the lonelier I got because no one was there.

Through the process of recovery I have learned these simple truths...

  • I do not have a soul. I am a soul.
  • My soul lives in a house called my body. The smaller I sculpt my body, the smaller my life becomes.
  • My body is not a problem. The problem lies with the messages that try to convince me otherwise.
  • My shape is not distorted. What is distorted are the fashion industry and magazines of today.

I am not fat. I have fat. I also have fingernails. Yet, I am not fingernails.

I know in my heart...

There is nothing more attractive than a woman being unapologetically herself. That is the essence of beauty.

Body confidence does not come from trying to achieve the perfect body; it comes from embracing the one I’ve already got.

My body is the size and shape it is, because that is the size and shape it is meant to be.

We all have scars. Although I wear mine on the outside, my body is not ruined. I am simply a tiger who has earned her stripes.

I agree to always remind myself that:

  • The greatest revolution I can start in this life is to be a role model by loving every aspect of what makes me, me.
  • Beauty is found wherever I seek it.
  • Real beauty isn’t about symmetry or size or shape, it is about love and laughter and life.

I commit to embracing these recovery truths...

  • It’s not about what size I wear; it’s about how I wear my size.
  • If I want something bad enough I’ll find a way. If I don’t, I’ll find an excuse.
  • My thoughts are the architects of my destiny.

By having a body, I agree to represent women.

I commit to being a voice, not an echo.
I will not be quiet in shame; I will be loud in pride.
Real beauty isn’t about symmetry or size or shape, it is about love and laughter and life.

If ever I forget this, I agree to re-read the quote that sparks a tiny bubble of happiness and hope and love inside me.

You want to know who has the most amazing and beautiful smile ever?

Read the first word again.

I wish you freedom, I wish you peace, I wish you recovery.

Is body image getting you down? Check out our Recovery Coaching options to see how we can help.

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