March 2, 2021

Knowing Yourself in Recovery

Eating disorders have PhDs in arguments. They are lighting fast with comebacks, sense any hesitation, and will go right for the jugular, every time. They are also masters at starting arguments, with a seemingly innocent statement...
February 23, 2021

‘Shoulding’ Yourself

Living with 'shoulds', telling ourselves that we 'should' be doing something - doing more, doing it differently - puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on ourselves .
February 13, 2021

Mental Filtering

Eating disorders are geniuses at filtering out the positives and focusing on the negatives. Are you seeing obstacles rather than opportunity?
January 31, 2021

Magnification or Minimisation

A blue chair will always be a blue chair, that doesn’t change. But body image? For me, that shifted and changed on a daily basis.